Wednesday, September 24, 2014

God Time

I have really been trying to spend more time alone with God, reading about him, praying, and most recently diving into the Bible. I think it is important to not only learn about God from those around us, and from books written about God (although those help), but to really take it upon ourselves to teach ourselves.

Reading the Bible has always been on my bucket list. I've tried and failed a number of times. To be honest, I am still working at completing the task. I never really knew what I was doing. It's like trying to bake something you've never baked before without a recipe. I have tried a number of methods, my favorite is when you open the Bible to a random page and hope for the first verse you place your finger on to be the verse that will define your life. My other favorite, and how I read the Bible for a really long time, was to pick and choose verses to help me feel better. Look up worry in the back of the book and then find the corresponding verse on why you shouldn't. There are also several books of the Bible that I just avoid, because well, frankly they were hard to understand.

People, the answer is in this book by Jen Hatmaker. I just finished reading and I am still using her plan to walk through the Bible. "A Modern Girl's Guide to Reading the Bible" has been the most relateable Bible guide I have ever found. I call it a Bible "guide" because it isn't a Bible study with a theme. It helps you read the Bible and make your own discoveries in His word. Hatmaker's style is hilarious. It is like chit-chatting with your best friend. Bible reading isn't just for the elder women of the church, it is for everyone. We should each spend a little time with the word, and Hatmaker makes it so easy. She helps you with questions to ask yourself about a verse, examples of how she breaks down a chapter. References to have on hand that help you read the Bible and even what all the different kinds of Bibles are. 

I would say I would lend you this wonderful book, but this is going to be my bible to reading the Bible for awhile. Here is where it is available for you to get for yourself:
Amazon - A Modern Girl's Guide to Bible Study



  1. Hi, friend! I love that you are doing this! I look forward to seeing the inner workings of that precious brain of yours. I love that you are putting yourself out there. I think it will really make a difference for others. (Also love the background you chose — beautifully messy, just like life.)

  2. Thank you Heather! I am sure I will be poking you for feedback often :)
