Friday, September 26, 2014

Reflecting on Age with "The Neighbors"

Tonight, Tom and I watched the movie The Neighbors, staring Seth Rogen and Zach Efron. It is hilarious. What a great comparison of the changes that happen from our twenties, to our thirties and beyond. That stage in our life when we move from the selfish me attitude, to more of a we attitude as we find significant others, start professional lives and families.

Check out this e-card (photo), SO TRUE!
I don't feel old, but if you would have asked me ten years ago if I thought being thirty-two was cool, I would have laughed at you as if I wasn't ever going to reach that age... Well, here I am, and proud.

We change so much from the time we graduate high-school until we hit twenty-five and then do another 180 before we hit thirty. I don't have the wisdom to know much beyond that but I am sure that we keep adapting and changing as our priorities and families morph.

Tom and I look forward to certain aspects of getting older, and we do enjoy different things now. In the movie, the "older" couple (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) talk about the things that they get excited about. She said, "She likes to go to the container store and buy containers", and he said, "He gets excited about the smell of fresh ground coffee".

Tom and and are the same way. You should see my Christmas list. It includes a  12" skillet with a lid, new kitchen towels, a giant letter Z and baskets to organize my closet. That would actually make me happy. I am excited for the day when I get to pick out and buy new appliances. Who knew that some day I would get excited about these things?

This movie was funny, but comedy aside it made me realize how much I appreciate how much I have grown as a person. From the partying college kid, to the somewhat grown-up thirty-something. I am sure I will be reflecting back on my thirties in ten years with a whole new, more mature outlook...and I can't wait.

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