Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cancer Sucks

I wasn't really sure what to write about tonight. I had a few ideas, but they all kept coming back to cancer. Maybe it was the rainy weather today, I don't know, but cancer sucks!

So many people in my life have been affected by it; my husband, grandparents, aunts, friends and even friend's kids. It tries to rob people of their identities, their hopes and their dreams. Not to mention the hopes, dreams and identities of their family and friends.

Some are more serious then others, but each person effected, even after they have recovered, are scarred for life. Every day they live in the fear that it could come back. How do they deal with that? It is such a heavy burden to carry. They fought the fight and won the battle, yet they live in fear?

I struggle as a caregiver myself with it. If I can't keep it together how in the world can I help someone else who is fearing, literally, for their lives?

Tom has been amazing. He laughs and stays so strong. He makes sarcastic comments and jokes about his cancer, but every now and again the mask lifts and I can see the vulnerability under it all. I am so proud of him. The fight that he and others have fought and are fighting is beyond courageous. It is inspiring. I was talking to a friend today about kids with cancer. It is one of the most terrible things on Earth, but the one thing that kids have is their innocence. They can celebrate the good days and not live in fear of when they will be sick again. Unfortunately, I am sure that fear is absorbed by their parents. as if they have the cancer themselves. One of Tom's inspirations is a little girl back home going through something very similar to him.

I don't really have a point to my post today. It is just that cancer sucks. Please take a moment to pray for those who have lost someone to it, have it, are recovering from it and to those who fear its return.

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