Friday, October 3, 2014

Dreaming vs Goal Setting

I was watching The Talk today on CBS. I actually hate this show, it hurts my hair, but it was on while I was checking emails and I was too lazy to find the remote.

In their hot topics segment they showed a clip of Britney Spears talking about her 10-year-plan. This perked my attention, because I am a fan (Shh, don't tell anyone). Anywho, she talked about how she was going to own several homes, have more babies, own 3 private planes and that she was going to do more acting. The whole time she was talking she had this glazed over look in her eyes like a kid at a candy store, overwhelmed with endless possibilities. Watch Here

Was she serious? She wants 3 private planes? I don't know, she could have been goofing around and being sarcastic. I don't know Spears personally and  I have no idea what her sense of humor is like. It seemed a little lame in this video. I'm more of a late 90s Britney fan myself.

It got me thinking about dreaming vs. realistic goal setting. Here are some of my person examples:

Dream: Range Rover

Goal: Honda Pilot

Dream: Celebrity like mansion

Goal: Adorable house with nice yard and mature trees

Should we even waste our time dreaming if we know it can't become a reality? When we were kids we would dream all the time. We were going to be astronauts and marine biologists. We were going to fight off armies and find our price charming while walking a mysterious trail in far off woods. Somewhere along the lines the realist in us develops and we don't dream as often. I still dream, but I know it is just that, a dream. It is probably and most likely not gong to happen. Where as a goal is attainable and very possible.

I have tried to plan in the past and it doesn't work out. I think the saying is, "Life happens when you are busy making plans". When trying to plan long term it is easier to look at the big picture goals. You can't micro manage that, trust me. More specific goals can be made in the short term future, for example; daily, monthly, weekly and even yearly, but past that just hope for happy and healthy. That is my 10-year-plan.

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